Swimming around Bora Bora

When Nick Edwards reached out to us, inquiring if we could assist in documenting his latest swim, we enthusiastically embraced the opportunity.

This brief pro bono video narrates the compelling tale of Nick's swim around the Island of Bora Bora in French Polynesia.

Despite already holding the British record for a 42km swim across Lake Taupo, Nick's latest endeavor, a 26-kilometer swim around Bora Bora, presented a new set of challenges. Enduring 7 hours and 14 minutes of non-stop swimming, he faced obstacles such as intense heat, unpredictable tides, and the presence of sharks, all of which tested his physical and mental resilience.

The video serves as a testament to Nick's journey and will be utilized by him during school visits where he shares valuable lessons about resilience, pursuing one's dreams, and pushing personal boundaries.

This inspirational story, condensed into an hour-long narrative, has left us eager for the next chapter as Nick sets his sights on the Cook Strait crossing.


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